An individualized approach to disease.
The goal of functional medicine is to determine what the underlying cause of your disease is and address resolving root issues to alleviate associated symptoms.

This is a journey we take together, the practitioner and the patient.
The goal of functional medicine is to determine what the underlying cause of your disease is and address resolving root issues to alleviate associated symptoms.
We offer a variety of services to address your condition, treating the root-causes of your ailments.
One allergen is treated at a time. If you are not severely immune deficient, you may need just one treatment to desensitize one allergen. A person with mild to moderate amount of allergies may take about 15-20 office visits to desensitize 15-20 food and environmental allergens. Basic essential nutrients are treated during the first few visits. Chemicals, environmental allergens, vaccinations, immunizations, etc. are treated after completing about ten basic essential nutrients.
A new research study titled "Improving Communication Skills in Children With Allergy-related Autism Using Nambudripad's Allergy Elimination Techniques: A Pilot Study" was recently published in Integrative Medicine — A Clinician's Journal. Funded by The Teitelbaum Family Foundation and involving 60 autistic children, the study shows the efficacy of NAET as a treatment for autism.
Download the full study here.NAET® can successfully eliminate adverse reactions to egg, milk, peanuts, penicillin, aspirin, mushrooms, shellfish, latex, grass, ragweed, flowers, perfume, animal dander, animal epithelial, make-up, chemicals, cigarette smoke, pathogens, heat, cold, and other environmental agents. It may take several office visits to desensitize a severe allergen. NAET® was discovered by Dr. Devi S. Nambudripad in November of 1983.
For more information about NAET please visit the website.
Traditional Oriental Medicine includes acupuncture, herbal therapy, cupping, moxibustion, bodywork and dietary therapy. This type of healing medicine is over 2000 years old and is based on an energetic model rather than the biochemical model of western medicine.Acupuncture is the insertion of very fine, sterile, disposable needles into select acupoints body to affect the flow of Qi (energy) in the body. The intention of acupuncture is to regulate and harmonize the functioning of internal organs and their related meridians. Each organ is responsible for specific processes and the entire organ system interfaces through a series of trajectories, called meridian to form an integrated system. Health is optimal when all organs operate at their fullest potential. Disease, illness and emotional upset arise when one or more organs are deficient or excess in their function.
Western science presents and number of theories to attempt to explain how acupuncture might work. One common theory is the Placebo effect but this has been disproved by a number of studies. The endorphin theory suggests that needling certain points can stimulate the release of endorphins through certain nerves connected to certain muscles, thereby alleviating pain.The gate control theory proposes acupuncture effects pain perception. The ‘gate’ is part of the nervous system along the spinal cord in the region called the substatia gelatinosa, through which all pain signals travel.
Acupuncture has also been proven to increase immunity by raising levels of antibodies, white blood cells, certain hormones, immunoglobulins, and other chemicals that relate to the body’s ability to defend itself against foreign invaders. Acupuncture also affects levels of certain neurotransmitters such as serotonin and noradrenaline in areas of the brain such as the reticular formation system that control arousal degrees, possibly producing calming effects during and after treatments. Also, by altering levels of neurotransmitters, acupuncture can influence the release of hormones. Acupuncture has effects on the Circulatory system. Needling can lead to the constriction or dilation of blood vessels by the body’s release of vasodilators like histamine. This theory accounts for acupuncture’s ability to help treat high or low blood pressure.
Another common theory called the electrical theory suggests electromagnetic fields of the body constantly produce minute electrical discharges, thus creating an electrical field that can influence cell growth, development, and functioning. Research has generated evidence that electromagnetic fields of the body and the meridians associated with acupuncture are related. Acupuncture points are located in areas of low electrical resistance, so needling can stimulate the electrical fields and alter levels of neurotransmitters in the body.
Acupuncture is recognized by the world health organization to be beneficial in the treatment of the following conditions: Colds and flu • sore throat • allergies • sinus congestion • asthma • high blood pressure • ulcers • indigestion • colitis • constipation • hemorrhoids • diarrhea • diabetes • deafness • tinnitus • ear aches • poor eyesight • dizziness • eczema • acne • herpes • arthritis • stiff neck • back pain • sciatica • headache • impotence • infertility • PMS • irregular periods • cramps • morning sickness • anxiety • depression • stress • insomnia and much more….
You should wear loose comfortable clothing. Do not come on an empty stomach or eat an unusually large meal just before or after the treatment. Do not brush your tongue, eat or drink highly colored foods (cherry candy, orange soda, etc.) the day of your appointment. In consideration of chemically sensitive patients, please do not wear perfume, cologne, or heavily scented personal care items. Do not over exercise or consume alcoholic beverages 4 hrs before or after treatment. Please bring a list of all medications you are currently taking.
Many insurance companies have started to cover acupuncture treatments. We will provide you with a super bill that you can submit to your insurance company for reimbursements.
Cupping employs the use of negative pressure through a cup via heat or a vacuum. It uses controlled suction to release tension in the muscle tissue, increase local circulation of blood and other body fluids, mobilize muscle and sinew flexibility, release adhesions in the fascia, reduce scars, dredge the lymphatic system, improve skin tone, break up cellulite, and calm the mind.
The patient should expect some discoloration of the skin with cupping. These circular discolorations are the expression of internal stagnation and congestion brought to the surface of the body. They do not appear on everyone, only those with a lack of circulation of qi, blood, and body fluids. Those who are relatively healthy will not express with these symptoms of toxicity, while those with severe stagnation can present with red, purple and black marks. These marks are both therapeutic (as they bring the stagnation out of the tissues and to the surface, where it can resolve), and diagnostic (the amount and nature of the discoloration gives an insight into the patient’s condition).As you improve through your course of treatments the intensity of the marks with lessen. While there can be moments of discomfort, in general the sensation of cupping is quite pleasant.
The patient should expect some discoloration of the skin with cupping. These circular discolorations are the expression of internal stagnation and congestion brought to the surface of the body. They do not appear on everyone, only those with a lack of circulation of qi, blood, and body fluids. Those who are relatively healthy will not express with these symptoms of toxicity, while those with severe stagnation can present with red, purple and black marks. These marks are both therapeutic (as they bring the stagnation out of the tissues and to the surface, where it can resolve), and diagnostic (the amount and nature of the discoloration gives an insight into the patient’s condition). As you improve through your course of treatments the intensity of the marks with lessen. While there can be moments of discomfort, in general the sensation of cupping is quite pleasant.
As with any kind of deep tissue work, be sure to drink plenty of water after your session. It is best not to do any kind of strenuous physical activity, or drink alcohol 6 hours after your session. If you are pregnant, have hemophilia, lupus, or diabetes, cupping may not be appropriate for you. Although cupping does release tight muscles and increase blood circulation and move congealed body fluids, bruising and bleeding may sometimes occur.
Chinese Herbs are the use of botanical medicinal properties to support the treatment of your condition. Most of the herbs are plant based such as leaves, barks, roots, seeds, flowers, etc. Also shells, resins, minerals, gelatins, and animal parts are commonly used.Although a single substance can be used but most of the time combining 2-14 different herbs in a formula to tailored specifically to each person’s individual health condition.
Chinese herbal therapy comes in several different forms. Some herbal prescriptions use raw herbs that have to be boiled into a tea to drink. Powdered herbs are dissolved into hot water to also drink as a tea. A tincture is a liquid formula where herbs have been decocted into an alcohol in order to achieve quicker results. Pills, tablets and topical forms are also common.
Unlike pharmaceuticals that target an organ through a specific mechanism of action, herbs work by influencing systems as a whole.
Additionally, most herb prescriptions consist of four to twelve herbs, making it unlikely that any one herb has the potential to interfere with medication. However, please do not adjust your medication without checking with your physician, even if you feel the herbs help your condition. We will be happy to explain your treatment to your doctor, if needed.
Your practitioner will review the current list of medications and supplements you are taking to make sure the herbs are safe for you to take.
We offer the following online services ensuring easy ordering and delivery.
"I have seen tremendous changes in my mental and physical wellbeing after starting NAET therapy a little over three years ago. I owe all of this improvement to Laurie who in my opinion is a MIRACLE WORKER."